First of all – thank you for visiting my website! I don´t take this for granted and really appreciate your interest!
My name is Andy (Andreas Gajewski), i´m a 32 y/o composer and sounddesigner from Paderborn (currently living in Düsseldorf). My musical journey began when i was six: I discovered the guitar for myself and was very happy that my parents allowed me to take lessons. Other instruments like drums & bass came along which led me to my first two band projects.
I always knew that music will be a big part of my life so i decided to learn more about the technical side aswell. 2013, during my education as an audio-engineer/sounddesigner i fell in love with (hybrid) orchestral music and did my first, halfway-professional steps as a “composer” thanks to the Coal Island Studio. I was luckily asked to write music and create sound effects in different fields of work such as short movies, apps, little games and more (At this point i want to thank Norman and Dominik from the studio. Together we worked for Bosch, Crenetic and M:Consult).
2016 was a very important year for me, not only because i became a father (“proud-dad-mode activated”) but also because of my two nominations for best music and best sounddesign at the “Soundtrack Cologne 13” Contest plus the 2nd place at the ADAM Audio competiton. After this year everything was clear to me: This is what i want! Writing music which brings life into any project and makes people feel excited about it.
In march 2018 i decided to concentrate on trailer music and started to work with several labels such as Avalon Zero, Phantom Power, Cavalry Music, Kings & Creatures and more. This quickly evolved into an even bigger passion and led to my very first three placements in 2019 (Jack Ryan, The Hustle, Rogue Company). This year (2023) i reached my biggest milestone so far and am incredibly grateful to have my music being used in the Star Wars: The Mandalorian campaign.